Born: 14th December, 1991
Height: 6'0
Hobbies: Zelda and Golf
Favourite album: Gorillaz - Gorillaz
Favourite film: The Waterboy
Favourite species of whale: Physeter Macrophalus (Sperm whale)
Favourite citrus fruit: Round lime
I was born and raised in Southport, the middle class Blackpool and home of the posh-scouse. I left and moved to Birmingham when I went to University; this meant I could not be classed as a ‘Sandgrounder’ like my father, a sad moment for everyone…
One of my first memories of music is listening to the Eagles with my Dad. My sister and I still sing the chorus to ‘witchy woman’ whenever there is an awkward silence. Being exposed to music from a young age is what has made it such an important part of my life.
At the age of 12 I slowly taught myself various instruments so that I could play and write songs in my church band, my mum would say that I was too stubborn to have a guitar teacher. This was shortly followed by me diving into the world of ‘popular music’ by entering an X Factor competition at my school. I was lucky enough to win this with my rendition of ‘Chasing Cars-Snow Patrol’. This led to an equal amount of praise and abuse for the following year where I was known as ‘Chasing Cars boy’ throughout the school. When I was 14, my super talented sister persuaded me to get into acting and musical theatre at our local amateur dramatics club. From then on, I have loved performing and carried on right through University and up to today.
Performing started as a hobby but it slowly became more important than my degree (sorry mum). In my final year I decided to put all my time and passion into The Sons of Pitches. It feels like the right decision now that it has become a career for the 6 of us!